Friday, July 20, 2012

Who doesn't like Pie?

In our world of uncertainty, opening up another startup business doesn’t make much sense unless it involves pie!  Pie today, I mean really great pie is disappearing from the American landscape and nowhere in our wonderful country is in the middle of the American landscape than our own Dodge, North Dakota.  Returning to my roots here in North Dakota brought to mind the really great pie my grandmother used to make handed down to her from her mother’s kitchen and her mother before her.  Resting somewhere in my genetic code was the recipe for unbelievable apple, and berry and of course rhubarb.  It is in homage to her and also for the guilty pleasure of that first or last slice (usually after midnight standing in the light of the open refrigerator door) that we decided to open a simple pie and coffee shop nestled within our own Prairie Center.  Starbucks has nothing on fostering great conversation over a really good cup of coffee and a really great slice of pie like we do here in the middle of the aforementioned landscape.  Now we won’t be “Pie City” or “Thousands of Pies in One Place”, just a made it ourselves, bells on the door place to sit and get lost again in the vanishing world of simple pleasures best served ala-mode.  

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