Thursday, July 19, 2012

An Old School is still teaching

For most of my adult life I have lived in large metropolitan cities and yet a different life always called to me.  Maybe it was the family stories of Northern Minnesota and North Dakota that always created a longing for something different, or maybe it was my growing need to be able to return to my roots that helped me retire from a corporate lifestyle and move to one of the smallest town I have ever traveled through.  Whatever the reason, together with my business partner and great friend, our two trucks and my one big dog, we arrived in North Dakota in the middle of one of the mildest winters on record.  We both were initially unnerved by the amount of work that faced us, but we soon settled into a pace that was manageable.  Our mission was to transform this huge public building into a center for hospitality and a true community asset.  So many students, teachers, parents and volunteers have such warm feelings for this building, we wanted to ensure that they always felt welcomed here.  Our true lessons here began when one by one, friends and neighbors offered to help us in so many ways.  From the unknown worker with the local power company who literally saved our electrical system to the many people that brought us help and supplies and have become a part of our family, we are continually taught new lessons on community, faith and the power of friendship.  We haven't graduated yet, so if you are in Dodge, stop by and help Becky and I with our homework!   

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