Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hospitality, Rest and Renewal?

So what are you guys really doing out there?  We get that question a lot!  Recently, we were fortunate to have the opportunity to discuss our plans and progress for the school with the local newspaper group.  The article happened to make it to the front page to our complete surprise.  Within the article we discussed our plans for the businesses that we are looking to help fund our project as well as compliment the community and provide needed services.  In a nutshell version of that article, as we looked at the ways we could fully utilize this facility, it was clear that food and lodging would have a large part to play in our plans.  Our location is central to the unmatched recreational activities and the rich history that helps give our state its moniker, “Legendary”.  Whether motorcycle rider, fisherman, hunter, naturalist, birdwatcher,
family with local connections here (and limited space for you and yours) or someone who desperately  needs to retreat from life's demanding schedules, our Bed and Breakfast is right in the middle of the middle of everything!  This area is also rich in finds for the antique and curiosity collector ranging in skill levels from expert to novice.  After the intensive creative re-purposing here at the school, we still have a treasure trove of items ranging from antique school items to farm equipment.  It was only natural that we decided to extend ourselves in connection with our other ventures, as purveyors of unique collectibles.  Eventually having more of an on-line presence, you’ll start to see our trademarked 50’s pink desk showing up.  And finally (or at least we think so) we decide to include really good coffee and really great pie to the roster scheduled to open (pending final permitting), sometime in late summer.  Separate from the businesses but using all of their efforts, we also see the need for a retreat center here.  As we have come to know so many people in public ministry, we see the need to provide a place where they can come and find the peace in this area and the calming affect that farm animals, and time alone can provide.  Whether in missions, pastoral care, church leadership or lay ministries, we can offer the center as a place of personal rest or private group retreat.  We ourselves have no extensive programs or scheduled meetings to attend, simply time to decompress, the chance to heal, and the opportunity to reconnect with their faith and their families.  And so I guess that makes it four businesses to run, a giant building to care for and a growing farm all together at the same time.  If we pull it off, it really will be “Legendary”.

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